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“Hijrah”: a Podcast on Migration | (dot)migration

(dot)migration | A space by EMILY TASINATO

“Since earliest times, humanity has been on the move. Some people move in search of new economic opportunities and horizons, others move to escape armed conflict, poverty, persecution, terrorism, human rights violations. Still others move because of the effect of climate change and natural disasters. Many move indeed for a combination of these reasons”

This is the teaser of Hijrah Podcast (hijrah literally means “separation” or “detachment” in Arabic, and in Islamic tradition represents the move, thus migration, of Prophet Muhammad and its fellows from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE), a series of six episodes produced in 2020 by IOM Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa aimed at reflecting on topical issues strictly related to migration phenomenon: from violent extremism and its misleading narrative linked to migrants, to how migration dynamics have shaped the “urban fabric of cities”, to the question of climate change and its consequences in terms of large-scale migrations and disaster displacements.

Among the experts: Hind Aissaoui Bennani, Migration Environment and Climate Change Regional Specialist at IOM, Azfar Khan, previously Senior Migration Policy Advisor in ILO’s International Migration Programme based in Geneva and Senior Migration Policy Specialist for the Arab States at the ILO Regional Office in Beirut, Khalid Koser, chair of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Migration and Executive Director of the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund.  

You can find Hijrah Podcast with English and Arab subtitles on SoundCloud: