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Anna Lindh Foundation is an international organization working to promote intercultural and civil society dialogue in the Mediterranean region. It was co-created by the European Union and its Mediterranean Partner countries.

Rete Italiana per il Dialogo Euromediterraneo (R.I.D.E – A.P.S.) has been appointment by the Italian Foreign Ministry as the Head of the Anna Lindh national network.

The Master in Middle Eastern Studies (MiMES) is a master’s degree tailored for students and professionals that brings you to one of the most fascinating and pivotal regions in the international arena. MiMES is issued by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.

Occhialì – Rivista sul Mediterraneo islamico is an open access journal on Islamic and Mediterranean studies. It is promoted by the Department of Cultures, Education and Society of the University of Calabria.

C.O.S.P.E.C.S. is the Department of cognitive, psychological, pedagogic and cultural studies of the University of Messina.

OIKOS – Centro studi sul Noi politico is a research center that studies the multileveled belongings of the individual within the broader civil society.

UTIS – Universi teatrali e degli immaginari sociali is an academic centre of the University of Messina for the study of Performance arts.